Welcome to cat care solutions about us

Hi, I’m Holly…

…the creator of Cat Care Solutions. I won’t pretend to call myself a “cat expert,” (is that even possible?), but I am an old pro cat mom who loves to share what she has learned so far. Between my husband and I, we’ve spent over 50 years with our feline companions. That’s a lot of learning & loving!

By nature, I am more introverted but I do enjoy forming meaningful relationships. Helping people is a real passion of mine because I know what it feels like to need someone and not have anyone care. As a believer in Jesus, it is His love that fuels my desire to make a difference however I can, including right here on this blog. 🙂

Cat Care Solutions was created to be a fun, welcoming, cat-loving community, where we can share our joys, frustrations, sadness, and experiences. Call me crazy, but I believe we should never stop learning from one another! I’ll share with you all that I’ve learned, of course, but I love hearing your thoughts and questions too! Your voice matters here.

Cat Care Solutions About Us: Our furry family photo collage
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Fun Facts About Me

I’d rather be

in the mountains

Listening to


grateful for

acts of kindness

Favorite place

Blue Ridge Parkway

favorite time of year

fall & winter (then Spring)

my favorite drink

iced coffee (sugar & dairy free!)
scottish fold tabby's face looking intently at the camera

Where this all began

After writing for another well-known cat publication in 2019, the idea for Cat Care Solutions was born! I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew that I wanted to share my love of cats with others and share the knowledge that I had gained over the years.

Cats give us the unique opportunity of never learning all there is to know about them and their sometimes oddball behavior. They keep us laughing and on our toes! I wanted this to be a welcoming and relaxed environment where the language wasn’t so scientific that it was nearly impossible to understand for the average cat parent.

My thoughts wander to all the cats we’ve met, loved and lost over the years and what they have taught us. Some of the cats I’ve had the pleasure of parenting really touched my life in a special way, and I’m sure you can say the same. One of my babies in particular, named Shug, (short for Sugar) taught me that you can never underestimate the love and intelligence cats offer. She was born with Feline Leukemia and I lost her in a tragic, unnecessary way. Words cannot describe to you how deeply I loved her. She was a literal angel during a period in my life when I was bedridden and homebound, losing my battle with illness.

Needless to say, I believe this blog actually began in my heart decades ago when I discovered the joys (and frustrations!) of being a cat parent. This site exists because, like you, I have so much respect and curiosity for these little furbabies of ours. It never ceases to amaze me how much they give back to us with their love and hilarious personalities!

My promise to you is I will do my best to write honest content that matters and consult the experts when I simply don’t know. So from one cat parent to another — thank you for being here and sharing your time with us! I do not take you for granted!

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